Israel (2 Viewers)

Waking to a barrage of 3000 rockets fired by Hamas and Israel is the aggressor? It was rockets, fighters by boat, by car, by glider pouring into border towns and killing any one and everyone indiscriminately

why put a timetable on the outrage? this wasn't tabula rasa before yesterday and then all of a sudden out of nowhere for no reason hamas launched a terrorism attack (and again people are replying and giving silly emojis like i am defending hamas - not the case - i am saying Israel is a provocateur and cannot feign surprise when someone punches back)

for 20 years before the first (failed) russian revolution in 1906, there were terroristic bombings throughout moscow and other cities - it wasn't bc russian anti-tsarists just loved bombs; they felt it was the only way to respond to the tsar/armies
same with the IRA
i mean, same with any oppressed minority - there's usually not going to be a 'good' way to say, 'hey, quit brutalizing us'
The complexities of the situation is far greater than ability to explain it.

Both sides are at fault but today’s assault is clearly an act of war against Israel. It did not magically appear out of thin air and Israel has clearly been pushing Palestinians to a breaking point through very aggressive tactics.

Both sides want the other wiped out. Today Palestinians succeeded, tomorrow they will be eliminated.

Next week it will be another fanatical religious group and the cycle of atrocities in the name of invisible figures will continue.
The thing that is just crazy to me is that the terrorists think that they are going to destroy the Jewish state and people. I mean come on name another group of people who have survived as many extinction level events as the Jewish people? Enslavement at the hands of the Egyptians & Persians, internment and expulsion in 1918 and European genocide for most of the 1930's and 1940's. A few rockets and killing a few innocent civilians are going to end them? IDK but I think Iran better watch out because they are the masters of this, and the Israelis know it.
the context being 'here are the 1000s of things the IDF have done against Palestinian are israeli tanks rolling over palestinian are israeli citizens throwing rocks at palestinian school kids'

Do you think this could be the final solution to the Israeli problem, Herr Guido?
And do you really think this attack has anything to do with the situation in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank? This conflict is much older than the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.

As for context... I am far from a Zionist, and I have spoken in the past against the treatment of Palestinians, but I also understand that not even 100 years ago, the Jews were systematically massacred almost to the point of extermination. I am reminded of the last scene in Schindler's List, when Itzhak asks a Russian soldier where should they go, and the Russian soldier tells him "they hate you in the East, they hate you in the West". So I get it that they don't take sheet from anyone and look out for themselves.
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The Palestinians are just the terrorist's meat shields. Hamas and Hezbollah don't care one bit for the average Palestinian.
And yet, the average Palestinians are the ones that will pay the price. They are forced to live in an environment where they are terrorist meat shields because their land is routinely seized and homes razed which, in turn, creates more terrorist to use them as meat shields. If only there was a way to prevent their borders from shrinking.
Do you think this could be the final solution to the Israeli problem, Herr Guido?
And do you really think this attack has anything to do with the situation in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank? This conflict is much older than the West Bank or the Gaza Strip.

As for context... I am far from a Zionist, and I have spoken in the past against the treatment of Palestinians, but I also understand that not even 100 years ago, the Jews were systematically massacred almost to the point of extermination. I am reminded of the last scene in Schindler's List, when Itzhak asks a Russian soldier were should they go, and the Russian soldier tells him "they hate you in the East, they hate you in the West". So I get it that they don't take sheet from anyone and look out for themselves.
Pretty sure he is speaking in context to this particular event.

Netanyahu has been quite extreme in his actions. Rule with iron fist and all that in the name of protection but Israel doesn't see it as escalation, the people who have been bombed, been victims of widespread land grabs and deep discrimination do. There is always push back when a population has nothing to lose. They have certainly been antagonists over the past few years. When states start targeting journalists, and Israel has, then they lose a whole lot of credibility in my book. Meanwhile, outside influence are steering money and propaganda towards Palestinians who don't need much reason to attack Israel. Iran and Syria are using the CIA's well documented tactics.

I won't go as far to say this was Netanyahu's goal but it sure gives him the green light to light up Gaza and the West Bank while coming out smelling like a rose politically. Question becomes, how much of the response does he turn towards the real actors in Iran and Syria?

Then again, if anyone knows they can't let things slide or build up it is Israel. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's all driven by religious hate and I don't see that changing in my lifetime. I feel for the innocent victims on both sides.
And yet, the average Palestinians are the ones that will pay the price. They are forced to live in an environment where they are terrorist meat shields because their land is routinely seized and homes razed which, in turn, creates more terrorist to use them as meat shields. If only there was a way to prevent their borders from shrinking.
My opinion. This fighting is based purely the stated policy of a terrorist nation, Iran. A nation who for the better part of 40 years has denied the existence of Israel and who is single handily funding Hamas and Hezbollah for the publicly stated goal of destroying the Jewish nation. If the Palestinians believe that Israel will cease to exist based purely on terroristic actions or that Palestine would rise again, or Hamas and Hezbollah would allow Palestine to rise again is pure fantasy.
The complexities of the situation is far greater than ability to explain it.

Both sides are at fault but today’s assault is clearly an act of war against Israel. It did not magically appear out of thin air and Israel has clearly been pushing Palestinians to a breaking point through very aggressive tactics.

Both sides want the other wiped out. Today Palestinians succeeded, tomorrow they will be eliminated.

Next week it will be another fanatical religious group and the cycle of atrocities in the name of invisible figures will continue.

I saw video last week of Israelis dancing on Palestinian graves - I’m trying to find it. The patterns of abuse are recurrent. But not having a process of redress just leads to these responses.
My opinion. This fighting is based purely the stated policy of a terrorist nation, Iran. A nation who for the better part of 40 years has denied the existence of Israel and who is single handily funding Hamas and Hezbollah for the publicly stated goal of destroying the Jewish nation. If the Palestinians believe that Israel will cease to exist based purely on terroristic actions or that Palestine would rise again, or Hamas and Hezbollah would allow Palestine to rise again is pure fantasy.
I saw video last week of Israelis dancing on Palestinian graves - I’m trying to find it. The patterns of abuse are recurrent. But not having a process of redress just leads to these responses.
Not surprising.

This is a few months old but gives a good view on how Israel has been increasing aggressive tactics.

And I am not defending anyone here. There are two sides to this story, just feel one is being reported on much heavier than the other. Props to Vice, they are one of the few news organizations left that will embed deep in undesirable locations for longer than a quick stand up in front of the camera and dive deep into stories.
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