The ride continues! [TITLE CHANGED - AGAIN] (1 Viewer)

Bleu Raeder

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Feb 3, 1998
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Because some of us are very acquainted though this forum and as alluded to in I have received some news recently which affects life in a most profound way. I have been hesitant to share this news for a number of reasons, but some of you I know here would like to know. We've known each other a long time (almost 20 years????) through this outlet and sometimes in real life and I am as close with some of you as I would be with any dear friend even if we've never met in person. Some of you who are connected to me in other social media may have figured it out.

It seems I am dragging my feet here, but all of that needed to be said.

On Friday I was diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Lung Cancer in my left lung.

Just 3 short weeks ago during my wellness exam we discussed getting my heart checked just because heart disease in my family had finally reared its ugly head. My calcium score was good but they saw a shadow on the CT which they wanted to check into. "Could be nothing.", they said. They schedule a PET scan and I honestly thought it looked like an excessive jump to go from these results to such an expensive test ( A second opinion or two confirmed this was the test needed. The PET lead to a biopsy in one of my ribs (where the metastasis is). The biopsy lead to the diagnosis.

I have a referral to MD Anderson and will be there in a couple of weeks.

Here is the thing: I have no symptoms other than the discomfort left over from the biopsy. No pain. No coughing. I run 3 or 4 days a week and have no problems with my breathing other than sinus junk. I still play my trombone. If we hadn't done the calcium scoring no alarm would have been raised until I became symptomatic and who knows how long that would have taken.

I am also hopeful and know I can beat this. I am more than determined to beat this. There is a lot of life yet to be lived and I am confident I will be here to live it.
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Prayers to you and your family. You'll pull through this.
Oh man. Bleu, I'm really sorry to hear about the diagnosis. I hope you beat the everloving dog crap out of this thing.
Prayers sent.
I hope they caught it fast enough. Praying for a fast recovery. Symptoms usually come to late, so a real blessing they caught it before you felt it. Last year my father, who felt and otherwise was very healthy, fell off a roof, and they did a full body CAT scan as a precaution. Long story short they found a tumor in a neck verterbra. Took a while for them to diagnose, but was a normally very aggressive chondrosarcoma. 6 months of aggressive treatment and it seems to be gone.

I wish you similar results, be as positive as you can.
Cancer is a real muther #$%*!@!!! It is a blessing that it was caught early....hopefully, this will lead to it's demise inside of your body. Stay strong and prepare for war. You can beat this thing. Prayers to you and your family.
I am also hopeful and know I can beat this. I am more than determined to beat this. There is a lot of life yet to be lived and I am confident I will be here to live it.

this attitude is IMO the most important thing. My mother received a diagnosis from a cancer doctor that she had probably less than a year when they found it. She sought a second opinion from a doctor that gave her a slight bit of hope and she took the hope and ran with it. I am so thoroughly convinced that her attitude beat the cancer as much as any treatment; its just something that you can't explain and only intuitively know. That was more than 15 years ago.

Love you Bleu and praying for you.
Praying for you but I have a good feeling you'll be okay!

I had lost track in the other thread. I don't know why you and your family -- or why any family -- has these double whammies happen to them. Wish there was something I could do. I can't but I CAN remind you that you must not at this point sacrifice your own well-being. Which you sound like you're not going to do, but I'm sure you'll have internal conflicts. This is just so, so tough and unfair.
Sending you healing thoughts. Keep your positive outlook and know The Who Dat Nation is supporting you through prayer.
Prayers for you Jay. And don't feel guilt by posting this. You are right, people would want to know. Doesn't hurt to get more prayers for you either.

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