Saints vs. Vikings Gameday Thread (1 Viewer)

Dennis Allens little temper tantrum after the game last week about starting faster sure worked. Every game this team comes out slow and has to play catch up. That’s preparation and preparation is the coaches responsibility. It really doesn’t matter who the quarterback is. When is the last time the defense played 4 quarters?
I’m not hanging this on JW because it was a total tea, loss but Jamis, keeps doing what Jamis does, if all we would of needed to win the game was 16 points to hang onto a current lead, he might of got it done but to expect him to come from 24 points behind and win it without throwing ints would be crazy!
It’s not that he threw int’s, it’s HOW he threw int’s. Needed to chew some clock, instead, just started chucking it downfield into triple coverage with two minutes left.
I don’t understand why Jameis just recklessly throws it up for that int like screw it I hope a gold Jersey comes down with it.
Can't complain too much. The game was pretty much out of hand at that point. Winston made it a game and gave us a chance. Yea... He's not the answer at the position and showed why the his risky passes can wow you as well as make you pull out your hair. At the end of the day and as a back up, he did well considering all things.

I'm a bit disappointed that Carr was able to capitalize on the Blitz. I imagined he'd be a lot better against it.
Neither Pete nor DA can coach on the fly. When Carr went down, they had NO idea of how to react.

Both the defense and the offense looked better after Carr went down so I’m not sure where you get that from. It’s obvious to me why they prefer Carr, he’s theoretically a good ball control QB. The problem is when he’s bad, the whole offense is bad and can’t move the ball. Winston is the opposite of a ball control QB, but when he makes plays it’s exciting to watch and you always feel like you have a chance to pick up those 3rd and longs (hell I think he might be better in 3rd and long). They both lock onto guys, hence Winston’s last interception. They both have horrible pocket presence for the most part. Carr’s short game is better, Winston’s long game seems better but he also takes more shots that Carr wouldn’t take so I’m not sure the percentages will say that.

It’s basically pick your poison or start Hill and run an entirely different style of offense.

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