Marijuana (4 Viewers)

Should marijuana be legal?

  • Yes, it should be legal and taxed

    Votes: 684 87.7%
  • Yes, but only medically

    Votes: 27 3.5%
  • No, but the marijuana laws should be relaxed

    Votes: 24 3.1%
  • No, it should remain illegal.

    Votes: 45 5.8%

  • Total voters
I was referring to the other criminal behavior (bribes, kick backs). When the DOJ made the deal with him to step down, one of Agnew's conditions was no jail time. So, even though the DOJ had a "smoking gun" and could clearly put Agnew in prison, they instead made a deal for him to step down and take a small tax evasion charge (with no jail time). I don't think he even had to pay back any of the bribe money!!! To me, that's definitely "getting away with it". Clearly, the Watergate scandal and all of the mess around Washington influenced this deal. America couldn't impeach a sitting President and put an actual crook (Agnew) in his seat. I just learned of all of this on a podcast. Never knew it existed until then. The parallels to the current political turmoil is surreal.

Thanks for the audiobook recommendation. The Watergate story and all that surrounds it is fascinating to me. I'll definitely check it out.

I meant 'getting away with it because of Watergate' - he definitely got a light treatment, I think in part because it was fairly unprecedented, and because of how hard he fought it. He even challenged the whole idea that he could be indicted, prompting a DOJ memo about indicting presidents (can't do it) and vice presidents (can do it). Certainly Watergate was a huge backdrop - the Saturday Night Massacre happened just 10 days after Agnew resigned, but Agnew was pushed out by DOJ and the White House. I think Agnew was so indignant to all of it, it forced either an impeachment proceeding (of Agnew, which in the midst of Watergate would have been even worse for Nixon administration) or a full-on arrest and prosecution of the sitting Vice President, which Nixon also didn't want and Nixon remained the head of the executive branch.

Though there was a lot of deep concern, impeachment of Nixon didn't become realistic until after the Saturday Night Massacre, and didn't become likely until the tapes were finally released the following spring.

Agnew did have to make repayments - and back taxes with penalites:
Well, I found all of this fascinating as I had not learned any of it in school (high school or college). A brief mention of Watergate was done, but none of the bribery stuff (Agnew) was ever mentioned. I guess the gumment wants a rosy picture of history for all of America to learn about! Hell, I learned a whole lot about Vietnam from the Ken Burns documentary. That should be required viewing in 11th or 12 grade.

Sorry for the brief thread jack.
Well, I found all of this fascinating as I had not learned any of it in school (high school or college). A brief mention of Watergate was done, but none of the bribery stuff (Agnew) was ever mentioned. I guess the gumment wants a rosy picture of history for all of America to learn about! Hell, I learned a whole lot about Vietnam from the Ken Burns documentary. That should be required viewing in 11th or 12 grade.

Sorry for the brief thread jack.

I think the era that I like to define as Bay of Pigs, April 17, 1961, through Nixon's resignation, August 8, 1974 is endlessly fascinating, amazing, mind-blowing. It was basically the center of my history degree in college and I still can't get enough of reading about it. Domestic politics, international politics, the evolution of popular culture, sociology, science, law, etc. - it's an incredibly interesting period.

I'll happily join a threadjack about it anytime.
I’ve enjoyed the Pabst blue ribbon ones. I think they have a few flavors with 15mgs of thc.

Does it take the same amount of time to kick in as an edible?

I could see people knocking these back, and then getting into a mess a couple of hours later after it has all started to hit.
for me it takes a while because 6mg of delta 9 really isn't much. within an hour, after two of them, i can start to feel it.
Wow. All federal and DC charges for simple weed possession, use, or attempt to purchase.

Wow. All federal and DC charges for simple weed possession, use, or attempt to purchase.

Mueller has a different definition than I do of New... Think this happened October of last year.

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