I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust. (1 Viewer)

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Interesting read. Very thought provoking. Our "news" has gone from the Walter Cronkite at 6:00 pm and 11:00 pm to a 24 hour opinion and emotional cycle with spits of news thrown in. And I use the word news very lightly.

I think that issue at hand is the internet as everything is just a click away, be it weather, sports, news, opinions or causes. Couple that with the movement of "every single person is special", you have causes that disrupt the news flow in order to have their certain agenda pushed.

I read this article and see where he wrote that "Race and identity became paramount in nearly every aspect of the workplace. Journalists were required to ask everyone we interviewed their race, gender, and ethnicity (among other questions), and had to enter it in a centralized tracking system. We were given unconscious bias training sessions. A growing DEI staff offered regular meetings imploring us to “start talking about race.” Monthly dialogues were offered for “women of color” and “men of color.” Nonbinary people of color were included, too. They included MGIPOC (Marginalized Genders and Intersex People of Color mentorship program); Mi Gente (Latinx employees at NPR); NPR Noir (black employees at NPR); Southwest Asians and North Africans at NPR; Ummah (for Muslim-identifying employees); Women, Gender-Expansive, and Transgender People in Technology Throughout Public Media; Khevre (Jewish heritage and culture at NPR); and NPR Pride (LGBTQIA employees at NPR)."

Holy exhausing Batman!

To me, there is your downfall. The simple fact that you can't please all of the people all the time plus the new cancel culture, well, you have a much less patient and listening audience. The average listener doesn't want news. They want to hear what they believe. Stereotypically, Conservatives listen to Fox News. Why? It confirms their beliefs. Liberals listen to CNN. Why? It confirms their beliefs.

Great article and insight yet sad that our society is so less tolerant these days........
And in other news water is wet.

Plenty of people like to pretend that Fox is the only media source with a biased agenda
we all know that there is no such thing as unbiased
the difference is whether you can back up your bias with research and analysis or just pull stuff out of your backside
we all know that there is no such thing as unbiased
the difference is whether you can back up your bias with research and analysis or just pull stuff out of your backside
Agreed but the problem is that this won't change anything. This is flat out admission of an agenda to mislead and brainwash people

There won't be any changes and the people that believed these stories won't change their mind as a result.
i balked a bit at his takeaway that NPR's audience got more liberal - we know there was a significant lurch towards the right, so people standing pat could appear as a left lean when it's a matter of perspective at best

but his BS about the Mueller report is where i had to tap out for a bit (and also we had a fire drill)
pretty sure the rest will read as quasi-propaganda
i might go back and give this article another go, but this is coming off like some Juan Williams chicken littleness
i balked a bit at his takeaway that NPR's audience got more liberal - we know there was a significant lurch towards the right, so people standing pat could appear as a left lean when it's a matter of perspective at best

but his BS about the Mueller report is where i had to tap out for a bit (and also we had a fire drill)
pretty sure the rest will read as quasi-propaganda
i might go back and give this article another go, but this is coming off like some Juan Williams chicken littleness
the article is laden with a lot of conspiracy theories. It's pretty wild
and the question that i would actually like to address to NPR is whether or not it is responsible journalism to broadcast information that you know is false and misleading
yeah, everything always seems to come down to, do you have an obligation to publicize and give coverage to another side that is espousing outright lies.
and the question that i would actually like to address to NPR is whether or not it is responsible journalism to broadcast information that you know is false and misleading
yeah, everything always seems to come down to, do you have an obligation to publicize and give coverage to another side that is espousing outright lies.
I've seen several discussions about this. "Both sides-ism" is fine and good, as long as one side doesn't lie everytime they open their mouthes.
ha - smh
the seed of its demise was planted in '05 when CPB was sandbagged and Kenneth Tomlinson was appointed as chair

Steve Inskeep replacing Bob Edwards was my first red flag and then Ari Shapiro taking over All Things Considered was the end of the line. I just can't listen to the dude.
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