Disney ousts CEO, returns Iger for a two-year stint to find replacement (1 Viewer)

I think it can work eith the right talent. The Guardians of the Galaxy were pretty obscure but James Gunn is an immensely talented writer/director and turned them into a blockbuster franchise.

But you have to better than raiding the Rick and Morty writer's room or finding the cheapest TV talent available to run your stuff. You have to pay for quality writers and directors.
Yeah, it's less about the characters and more about having a talented writer/director and production crew. You can't skimp out there and expect the same level of quality viewing.
I like the less is more approach only if they actually do significantly improve quality, and not just production, but the writing as well.

I will say 2 series a year feels a little light. You've got X-men, Defenders/Daredevil, the Avengers character shows and if they want to cover other things like Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2 per year isn't gonna cover enough. Idk what the answer would be, but I think 3 or 4 would be about right.

I suspect they are likely to go the Netflix Marvel route where they do smaller stories not connected to the movies for the TV Shows. Then if the character blows up they can get them a movie. The way they were doing it with all the ties to the movies in the shows, it was forcing the narratives to all fit together. Which caused issues with Secret Invasion.

And it wasn't always like that. Agents of Shield had little relation to the movie universe or at least it didn't make changes in the movie universe it only reflected the things that happened in the movies.

Anyway, I agree less is more if they improve the quality of the writing and stop slapping together the VFX. The weird thing is they are still getting really good actors, but they writing has deteriorated with the quantity.
I think it can work eith the right talent. The Guardians of the Galaxy were pretty obscure but James Gunn is an immensely talented writer/director and turned them into a blockbuster franchise.

But you have to better than raiding the Rick and Morty writer's room or finding the cheapest TV talent available to run your stuff. You have to pay for quality writers and directors.

Yep. I mean I think most people knew who Captain America and Iron Man were, but most including myself didn't know their full stories. I also knew who Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye were but I really knew nothing about them. Good writing made those characters household names. So I think obscure characters can be made into huge things if the writing is good enough. Guradians is a perfect example of that.
Yep. I mean I think most people knew who Captain America and Iron Man were, but most including myself didn't know their full stories. I also knew who Thor, Black Widow, and Hawkeye were but I really knew nothing about them. Good writing made those characters household names. So I think obscure characters can be made into huge things if the writing is good enough. Guradians is a perfect example of that.
i've made the statement/comparison before, but i don't think there's any reason to compare where Marvel is now/what it should to to pre-MCU Marvel -- in the same way we shouldn't look at '05-'06 Saints and use that as some sort of benchmark
like those Saints, Marvel had extraordinary luck & circumstance (the talent is beside the point) to get to where it got

Marvel will have to make a plan and stick to it - hell or highwater - changing course every earnings report would be the worst possible thing to do
i've made the statement/comparison before, but i don't think there's any reason to compare where Marvel is now/what it should to to pre-MCU Marvel -- in the same way we shouldn't look at '05-'06 Saints and use that as some sort of benchmark
like those Saints, Marvel had extraordinary luck & circumstance (the talent is beside the point) to get to where it got

Marvel will have to make a plan and stick to it - hell or highwater - changing course every earnings report would be the worst possible thing to do

I'm not trying to be an arse, but I'm not sure I understand your point or if you are agreeing or disagreeing with me.

I'm also not sure that they have changed plans constantly. This is the first time I've seen them actually say that there is going to be a course change and that change is less content. Which, hopefully, means they intend to focus on better quality. I don't really care if they reach the heights of the earlier MCU or if it's a benchmark. I just want better movies and TV shows to entertain me.

It was always going to be hard for them to transition from the success of The Avengers to what comes after. And the oversaturation of super hero movies and shows has certainly not help both just because the shear numbers makes it boring and because the numbers tend to make the quality go down. Plus, as you say, there was some luck involved. But, there was also just some great casting and good writing.

DC certainly has changed course multiple times, but maybe they have finally settled in with Gunn?
I'm not trying to be an arse, but I'm not sure I understand your point or if you are agreeing or disagreeing with me.

I'm also not sure that they have changed plans constantly. This is the first time I've seen them actually say that there is going to be a course change and that change is less content. Which, hopefully, means they intend to focus on better quality. I don't really care if they reach the heights of the earlier MCU or if it's a benchmark. I just want better movies and TV shows to entertain me.

It was always going to be hard for them to transition from the success of The Avengers to what comes after. And the oversaturation of super hero movies and shows has certainly not help both just because the shear numbers makes it boring and because the numbers tend to make the quality go down. Plus, as you say, there was some luck involved. But, there was also just some great casting and good writing.

DC certainly has changed course multiple times, but maybe they have finally settled in with Gunn?
Just extending the conversation and broadly replying to the last page or so of the thread

I was noting that when a lot of us say what marvel should do, we reference what it did to to succeed- like finding another RDJ fixes anything
Marvel just needs to chart a path and realize the chance of success is entirely possible but also they're not entirely in control of it
Just extending the conversation and broadly replying to the last page or so of the thread

I was noting that when a lot of us say what marvel should do, we reference what it did to to succeed- like finding another RDJ fixes anything
Marvel just needs to chart a path and realize the chance of success is entirely possible but also they're not entirely in control of it

Fair enough. I do think RDJ was catching lightning in a bottle for that role. Hemsworth as Thor too. So, sure, they just need to focus on telling good stories with good actors and see where it goes. To some extent, they now have a built in audience so it shouldn't be hard to have financial success with even decent content. The issue comes in whether there will be any artistic merit to any of it. Not that any of it was high art, but it was still high quality entertainment.

Frankly, I think it's a lot like the Star Wars IP at this point. Lots of mediocre stuff with the occasional bright spots.
. So, sure, they just need to focus on telling good stories with good actors and see where it goes. To some extent, they now have a built in audience so it shouldn't be hard to have financial success with even decent content.
thing about that is when they were starting it was pretty wide open - what headwinds they faced were headwinds any content provider would
to grow they need new stories obviously
but now they have anti-Disney bottrolls
the business instinct to try to recreate what worked before
nostalgia hounds
a saturated landscape
a 'post'covid 'what is the content landscape now!?!
and any number of other 'issues'
thing about that is when they were starting it was pretty wide open - what headwinds they faced were headwinds any content provider would
to grow they need new stories obviously
but now they have anti-Disney bottrolls
the business instinct to try to recreate what worked before
nostalgia hounds
a saturated landscape
a 'post'covid 'what is the content landscape now!?!
and any number of other 'issues'

Yeah. I think Star Wars has fallen into the nostalgia trap at this point. First it was the nostalgia for the first 3 movies for old people like me and right now it's nostalgia for the cartoons and keeping the pre-quels cannon folks. I think I've mentioned before that I think Asoka could have been really good, but it took a long time for me to figure out what was going on because I had not watched Clone Wars or Rebels. The Star Wars stuff right now often seems to focused on fan service/nostalgia instead of just telling good stories.

Marvel could fall into the same trap. And the parallels with oversaturation with Star Wars IP are also there. Although the Marvel IP went way past anything they did with Star Wars.

Anyway, I think it makes sense for Marvel to pull back on the content and make sure they are putting out better content. And, they need to concentrate on telling good stories not trying to repeat the same build up to some "End Game" like scenario or some new Avengers like team. If it makes sense, do it, but don't force it into existence. DC tried that and it failed.
Maybe Disney should do something to help them?

How are you considering this a DISNEY!!!! story

This article is 70% R Desantis remains an ever growing dbag

However, a recent report from the Orlando Sentinel suggests that DeSantis and the Florida Government intend to go much further to eradicate homelessness in the state, including making it easier to commit homeless people to mental institutions involuntarily and banning local governments from instituting “housing first” initiatives which treat homelessness as a housing problem rather than a mental illness, drug, or disability problem.

20% Florida, like the rest of the country is in the midst of a housing crisis and covid didn’t help

In the years since COVID, millions of people have relocated to Florida from other states, driving up housing prices. So, while working at Disney World pays comparatively more than other jobs in the state, there is still a lack of affordable housing that is driving these cast members into homelessness.

and maybe 10% ‘I wonder if Disney could do better even though the pay more than just about everywhere else

So, while this bill and others like it will remove homeless people from the site, it will not solve the underlying issue of affordable housing in Central Florida that is plaguing Walt Disney World cast members.

It is SHOCKING to me that one can read this article where Florida, at the behest of a think tank, is opting for INVOLUNTARY institutionalization and blocking all efforts to find viable solutions that provide housing, et al
It’s so far beyond gross
How are you considering this a DISNEY!!!! story

This article is 70% R Desantis remains an ever growing dbag

However, a recent report from the Orlando Sentinel suggests that DeSantis and the Florida Government intend to go much further to eradicate homelessness in the state, including making it easier to commit homeless people to mental institutions involuntarily and banning local governments from instituting “housing first” initiatives which treat homelessness as a housing problem rather than a mental illness, drug, or disability problem.

20% Florida, like the rest of the country is in the midst of a housing crisis and covid didn’t help

In the years since COVID, millions of people have relocated to Florida from other states, driving up housing prices. So, while working at Disney World pays comparatively more than other jobs in the state, there is still a lack of affordable housing that is driving these cast members into homelessness.

and maybe 10% ‘I wonder if Disney could do better even though the pay more than just about everywhere else

So, while this bill and others like it will remove homeless people from the site, it will not solve the underlying issue of affordable housing in Central Florida that is plaguing Walt Disney World cast members.

It is SHOCKING to me that one can read this article where Florida, at the behest of a think tank, is opting for INVOLUNTARY institutionalization and blocking all efforts to find viable solutions that provide housing, et al
It’s so far beyond gross
Oh, I agree this is a Desantis thing, 100%. But Disney isn’t going to change the law, so maybe they could pull a Hershey and develop an affordable community for them. It won’t help the thousands of other homeless in Florida, but the thought of actual employees being homeless is something Disney should be able to fix.
Oh, I agree this is a Desantis thing, 100%. But Disney isn’t going to change the law, so maybe they could pull a Hershey and develop an affordable community for them. It won’t help the thousands of other homeless in Florida, but the thought of actual employees being homeless is something Disney should be able to fix.
They could really twist the knife, too.

"Rather than use limited resources meant for the genuinely disturbed and needy, Disney will reserve X% of our hotel rooms for cast members who can't find affordable housing."
2 down, 1 to go;

raising prices: ✅
injecting ads: ✅
cracking down on password sharing: ❌

"We're starting to go after people who are sharing passwords improperly," he said on Tuesday. "We feel quite bullish about it."

Iger's comments come as Disney looks to achieve sustained profitability in streaming, a key priority as its linear TV business declines
2 down, 1 to go;

raising prices: ✅
injecting ads: ✅
cracking down on password sharing: ❌

"We're starting to go after people who are sharing passwords improperly," he said on Tuesday. "We feel quite bullish about it."

Iger's comments come as Disney looks to achieve sustained profitability in streaming, a key priority as its linear TV business declines
Eventually bean counters ruin everything.

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