Marijuana (3 Viewers)

Should marijuana be legal?

  • Yes, it should be legal and taxed

    Votes: 684 87.7%
  • Yes, but only medically

    Votes: 27 3.5%
  • No, but the marijuana laws should be relaxed

    Votes: 24 3.1%
  • No, it should remain illegal.

    Votes: 45 5.8%

  • Total voters


So you're Aldo the Apache
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Figured I'd go ahead and post a poll and see how you guys and gals feel about cannabis. I myself haven't smoked it too much, but before I enlisted I partook maybe 5-10 times. I personally didn't enjoy the high too much, but the pain relief was amazing.

I've been on a few big pain killers throughout my day for issues related to service. They all make me feel too high, numb, and are very addictive. Marijuana has been a pain reliever that I've recently enjoyed. It has made me feel better than the pills. Those "legal" pills are addictive as ****, and have led to more problems than I'd like. After a long days work I personally would prefer smoking and going to sleep than drinking and taking these pain pills.

Anywho, what are your thoughts on marijuana? Should it be legal, medically only, or stay illegal?
Voted to legalize in this poll and via successful ballot measure last year.

Recreational usage should be legal and taxed and medical should be legal and untaxed. It should be legal to grow a small amount for personal recreational usage and a larger amount for personal or cooperative medical. Hemp should be completely legal with little regulation.

Washington has covered all those bases but personal recreational growing and that should eventually be added if the feds leave us alone.
Legalize it, tax it, and treat it as a serious option for medicinal purposes.

Look at the stats. We're a nation of pill poppers and people are dropping dead left and right because of it. And those are LEGAL. There's no reason something natural, beneficial, and mostly harmless like pot should still be illegal.

And before someone utters the words "gateway drug," don't. The stuff your doctor hands out like candy is infinitely more likely to set you on a path to ruin than weed is.
I am not against legalization and taxation, just like other vices, however, I think it needs to be segregated from public areas. I dont wanna have my kids ( or myself) exposed to it against our will. Maybe setup "cannabis bars" or something where they are the only legal locations for partaking and sellers are limited and must pass rigorous inspections to insure quality. I would say one's home is ok, but living in apts, I know you cant keep it from wafting around the complex.

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I've 100% changed my opinion on it. If you can find a quick way to test for driving under the influence of pot without a blood test I'm all for it. I don't want police randomly administering blood tests because a person is driving tired and the police expect pot.
Yes, because a more intoxicated society is a better society.

Drugs for all!

I'm with you. But I think the way to handle pot is exactly the way we handle cigarettes. Force the companies who distribute it to educate users. Tax the bejesus out if it. Use would spike at first and then come under control. The main consequence would be pot dealers starting to push the hard extremely dangerous stuff to make their money they are losing on pot
100% for legalization / taxation.

Compared it to alcohol, marijuana is a far safer, less addicting drug. I've lost family members to alcohol, had a friend OD (but not die) on Oxycontin after being prescribed it for legitimate use then becoming addicted. It just doesn't make any sense for it to be illegal or considered a schedule I drug. People who want to be intoxicated are already finding ways to do so, none of which are as safe as marijuana.

The war on marijuana has been an absolute failure. The top groups who want to see it stay illegal include: For-profit prisons, beer / alcohol industries, police unions, pharmaceutical companies. Do you really think these people have our best interests in mind?
It should be available for medical treatment. Other than that, no.

I freely admit my extreme bias against drugs, having a sibling who was extremely messed up on them for many years. He started with 'harmless' doobies, which lured him into harder and harder stuff. It's a dead-end game. Be smart and just stay away.

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