Goodell ruined draft

Because it is playing an admitted racial national anthem for one race. You can’t see how people would find that divisive, offensive, and certainly inappropriate for the NFL draft. If it was the Asian American national anthem, Latino national anthem, or white national anthem, would you still be asking that question and feel the same way.

Lift Every Voice is called the black national anthem because it echoes a sentiment that civil right leaders envisioned for the USA when their own government was treating them like they weren't citizens. The black civil rights leaders always talked about civil rights for people of all colors. The song talks about ALL voices rejoicing together under God in a land where we all feel like we belong.

It's called the black national anthem because it embodies the inclusiveness Civil Rights leaders fought for and not because it's just for black people. When the national anthem was written, it only had white men in mind. "For the Land of the free" didn't apply to black people or women in America in 1814. Lift Every Voice applies to us all. It was adopted by black people because it was inclusive, NOT because "it's just a song for them."

However, if there are Asian and Hispanic National anthems, I bet they sound amazing. I wouldn’t mind hearing them too.