
Prolly enuf side track for this thread tho.

It's within my character to, always, most always mind the topic of a thread which I'm posting in. It might look like a side track but it will lead back to the main track I promise.

That video I posted was intended to be an enjoyable on topic detour. It's about the folly of lots of things including WAR. Especially of the folly of wars of conquest.

It goes off to the side of this war topic track in a delightful puff of magical realism. That folly of conquest by war part becomes especially stressed during the second half of that video.

During the second half while the film credits for the first half are being displayed. They are being displayed to an outstandingly well sung ballad, a ballad about what happened next.

No, the story was not over, it goes on during the credits. Pay a lot of attention to the words in that ballad. In the old ballad a talking horse who sung ballads in warm bars on the coast, which served drinks with cute bamboo umbrellas in them, and had taught to a better ballad singer he met in that bar.

The better singing ballad singer says the more poorly singing horse had sworn that it was true.