Official Wrasslin' Thread (renamed to reflect the discussion)

I may be getting some of the details wrong, but it was something like CFO$ were contracted to WWE through a third party publisher, and they ended up getting into a fight with their publisher over money they felt they were owed. CFO$ went to WWE and asked if they would buy out their contracts and hire them to work in house full time, and WWE was willing to do it, but their publisher refused to entertain the offer and just sat on their contracts for like the better part of a year, not giving them work. Eventually WWE was forced to move on because CFO$ were still tied up with their publishing contract but not doing anything. Then once they moved on to Def Rebel, CFO$'s publisher released them from their contracts and they broke up. They were really just screwed over by whoever they were contracted to work for and it killed their chance to become full time in house music producers for WWE.
Holy sheet. I don't understand people sometimes.