
These two Politico articles need to be considered simultaneously. They are kind of in conflict with each other insofar as their narrative of the situation.

I think that the US Administration doesn't actually care if Ukraine attacks Russian oil depots. What they have said about the US complaints has probably been a case of normal messaging. I would expect the US to make statements in the press like they have.

Pretending that there is problem between the US and Ukraine is a way to set up a strategic surprise which will give Ukraine the advantage.

Let's discuss this lying, yes it's lying. It's smart lying and I totally approve of doing it to the hilt. Lying to our press, so that they will pass on those lies to the enemy during times of war to gain an unfair advantage is all the rage.

One could even call it the "art of war." We want our side to have the best liars in the world lying to our press, so that they will pass those lies on to the enemy.

The US secretly sent long-range ATACMS to Ukraine — and Kyiv used them​

The transfer of Army Tactical Missile Systems with a nearly 200-mile range ends a yearslong drama between Washington and Kyiv.

i have to imagine we sent more than the original tranche of 50

UAF had previously had to use sparingly and wait for targets of opportunity and calculate risk of intercept vs success etc.

Hopefully we supplied them with 100s of the cluster munitions along with the single warhead type as so they can be used in conjunction for high value military targets like air fields, munitions storage/logistics storage etc.

and im in total agreement on the misdirection by US Admin. They are smarter than to tip their hand. And i sure hope as things develop, especially from the UAF perspective regarding offensives, they keep quiet. Loose lips sink ships. ;)