Buying a car in this economy

I'm driving an 18 Denali with 150k miles on it and a used 22 would cost more than the 18 did.

Prices of cars are nuts. Someone hit my wife's car 6 months ago and totaled it and she's now one of the lucky ones with 6/5% or some such on her new one. I will drive mine till I die before making 1000 / month payment or buy a new car just to lose 30% for signing the papers.

More money to waste on boats, whiskey and cigars if you drive the old one till it dies, right?
I was going to buy a new car last year - some know this because I made a thread about it. I went car shopping, decided on the Audi and then went on a work trip for a week, came back and work was super busy so I was too overwhelmed to deal with buying a new car. I work from home so about a month later, decided I just don't drive enough to truly want to buy a new car. My car is a 2009 Acura and I'm just going to drive it until t becomes a "need" (i.e. the repairs become more costly than a monthly payment). Apart from running errands and going to the gym & the occasional trip to a friend's house, I don't drive a lot. If I'm going "out" I usually Uber due to drinking and/or parking situations. It's just less hassle.

More money to help my son when he truly needs it, invest, save, travel, buy new furniture, self-care things, pay for trips or things for my mom or child, etc. without having to worry about how much money I have in my bank account. I currently have no debt and want to keep it that way as long as I can.