
I thought I would tell you about yesterday and the bullfrogs.

Last night, yesterday, it was hilarious around here. The hundreds of bullfrogs who love under my house who mocked the thousands of quale who live in my yard.

Quale are funny birds. What happened is there was rain and snow, the grass grew in the yard tall. The grass grew taller than the quale, and when quale can't see other quale they stop and sound off that they are lost, they continue to cry out until other quale come and rescue them.

They are loud. Anyway the frogs under the house heard them crying out that they were lost quale in the field, "please help me."

Those smart assed frogs started to imitate the quale's cries for help. Pretty soon the frogs were drowning out the quale using the quale's song.

Bullfrogs do have a big strong singing voice. I barely survived I laughed so loud.
Just thinking the other day how I used to see frogs all of the time and now I can’t think of the last time I saw one out and about