New Orleans Pelicans(45-32) @ Phoenix (46-31) at 5pm. Free Willie 4: The Search for Ws!

can't wait until JV is replaced by a modern 5
Sure looks like that's what is going to happen. Not sure how, yet, but his diminishing minutes doesn't equal a large raise - which is what he is looking for and what the Pels did not offer during the past off-season.

There are a couple of nice 5s that should be available when we draft. It would be a bit of a crap shoot, but I just can't see an upgrade to JV being available as a cost/resource effective replacement from within the league.

Still, we need a big at the 5 against some teams. We can't just go small ball against everyone. The good teams will figure us out and counter. We need to be able to play small ball AND tall ball in today's environment.