
A therapist is a trained objective listener and observer. Therapy works if you allow it to. Such soul-bearing requires a certain amount time as you build a trust bond with your therapist. It's a process, not an event.

Ongoing therapy here, which is about to lead to me taking some FMLA due mostly to work issues. Problem being the job will not change and I will return to the same corporate BS. My therapist has helped with coping strategies, but when you get to the point that you're unsure if you're doing deep breathing or just sighing your way through the day it's time to hang it up.

One of the biggest hindrances is the stigma many of us feel over mental health issues. I see a podiatrist for my foot which helps immensely. I went to a doctor for an upper respiratory infection which helped immensely. I consulted a minister for grief which helped immensely. I felt no need to hide these things from my friends and coworkers, but mental health issues are different. Society can make us feel "weak" for going to counseling. That could not be further from the truth. It takes a much stronger person to ask for help than to try to grit your teeth through life.

People ask if I'm okay. No I'm not okay, but with help I might be.

Good luck to you. Please let us know how it works out.