
Yeah, to many unknowns to even attempt to answer in a round about way.

I will say this though, talking to people who you think are wise, might help shed some light on a situation. So, if you don't feel like talking to a "shrink", then maybe a good friend who you trust, or going on a far away vacation, will give a different perspective.

I remember a Rabbi said, I don't do marriage counseling. I then said, can I come visit you, and just complain about my marriage, even though I'm not married?!?! lol Would of been so fun.

Anyways, something to consider....Psychologist are paid, when you come for a visit, so what actual benefit, would a therapist get, if he/she actually helped you to get passed a situation?!?! Just me thinking out loud here. If the Psychologist is just getting paid to listen, then maybe there is a better option out there, but if the therapist/counselor actually helped you over come a mental condition, and are no longer in need of their services, excellent.

I remember the first day of Psychology class, the book said, anyone can be a Psychologist, but not everyone can get paid to be a Psychologist. (or something close to this)

Everyone has a brain, don't forget that.