
Regardless, your last post is basically regurgitating what we've been talking about for the last couple of pages. We aren't going to see eye to eye. Let's move on.

I don't think the intent was ever to mischaracterize. Nor do I wish to insult the intelligence of anyone on the board. I've re-read what I posted several times and don't think there was an intent to make you sound like you're saying something you aren't actually saying.

My last post wasn't just a 'regurgitation', it was in response to a comment you made on this page - not the last couple pages..about 'sheltering' being a better idea than flying kites at the border for Palestinians right now. Or at least that's what I gathered from what you'd posted.

The sad fact is that Israeli military have already carried out many terrorist attacks on Palestinians in areas designated as shelters all across Gaza. The places they told Palestinians to go, in many cases. It's hard to say that it isn't on purpose. I don't know how that's reconciled logically. And yeah, statistically, it's actually more dangerous to be at a shelter in Gaza than to be out flying a kite at the border in a war zone (which is all of Gaza).