Education / Teaching thread

I left K-12 education in November after 5 years. Teachers are ridiculously under paid. I taught science and ran a STEAM lab. I left to go to work in courseware development in corporate education. Teachers are tasked with an ever increasing amount of expectations that have nothing to do with teaching, taking temps, cleaning surfaces, attending redundant unnecessary faculty meetings, unhelpful professional development, mandatory parental contact logs, ridiculous detailed written daily lesson plans.

The pandoras box in education has been opened.

There has been a MASIVE exodus of teachers, and a HUGE decline in the number of people taking Education as a Major in college.

We are going to have serious teacher shortages that is going to get worse and worse until we re-evaluate how we educate our children.

a STEAM lab in k-12 school??? what kinda hippie, free-love is THAT??? ;)

( yes STEM i get it lol )

Im keeping eye on this thread- my oldest is entering SELU in the fall under their 4 Plus 1 ( Masters ) in education ( Wants to teach History ). And these posts ( seen across multiple threads ) are NOT making me feel good. But she WANTS to teach.

Ugh...i hope she marries well.