Bass Pro Shops

You should see the origiall Bass Pro Shop in Missouri, very impressive place. They have a wildlife museum, a huge aquarium and the shopping area itself is quite impressive. Just went there in February, before the Covid-19 shutdowns. Took my wife and I most of the day to see everything.
We went to the original one after picking up my son from a nearby baseball camp. I was an avid fisherman at the time and was somekind of excited to see the worlds biggest bass. Had my wife and all my kids there and we were front row to watch the scheduled feeding. Only to have the spokesperson come out and nearly in tears tell us that Ethel had passed away that morning. I swear I wanted to stand up and tell them to "drag her corpse out, we drove 500 miles to see her". That was a hardluck trip. After leaving there I had planned on taking the family to Dogpatch USA family park. Only to get there and find out it had closed down. Memories........