Saints vs. Rams ---- Hollywood bound

Hi guys

Any suggestions about what to do/see while in LA? We've got a full day on the Saturday to spare, plus Monday and Tuesday as well (I think we're seeing Steel Panther at the Roxy on the Monday night, me being an 80s hair metal fan and all).

However, we're obviously going to have a fair bit of time to spare, so we're open to any ideas.


You have several options. You can catch a Lakers or Clippers game. Neither is playing all that well but that means tixs are cheap on Stubhub. You also have the Kings and Ducks if you want to check out hockey.

Food wise these places are touristy but not bad:

Do a google search once you are out here. There are brewpubs and tap rooms everywhere. Lots of free stuff too....just google free stuff to do in LA and you are set.

Good luck and see you at the game! :beerchug: